In this article Supplement Wisely Chris Kresser talks about taking supplements wisely.
At the end of the year 2000, I was fortunate to be introduced to a company called Usana Health Sciences – a company that manufactures nutritional supplements. The founder, Dr Myron Wentz has ensured that the supplements that Usana makes are synergistic and provide our bodies with what they need and in the right amounts. This takes the guesswork out of choosing the right supplements.
For instance, like me, you might have an orange tree in your garden, and eat them when they are in season – but we don’t know how much Vitamin C is in each orange and the amounts would vary anyway. Taking advanced quality supplements provides the exact nutrients in non-variable amounts. We can still enjoy eating oranges (and in fact, it is important for our health to eat fresh wholesome food), but we don’t have to worry about are we getting enough vitamin C for what our cells might need for healthy cell production right at this very moment.
Many people treat vitamins and minerals like medicine from the doctor, that is, only take them when they feel they need them. I say, that we don’t really know what our cells require at any given moment, so for me, prevention is my focus. I like to think that all the nutrients that are required for healthy cell production are available to my body’s cells every moment of every day. And that is why I take advanced quality supplements from Usana Health Sciences.
I trust Usana Health Sciences to provide me with the right nutrition for my true health.
Brought to you by Helen Wenley Healthy Aging Resources