Monday, March 5, 2012

The 10 new generation vitamins and supplements |

Recently “Mindfood” magazine published a list of the 10 new generation vitamins and supplements you should have on your radar.

The supplements on the list are:

1.    Turmeric for autoimmune conditions

2.       CoQ10 for energy

3.       Fish oil for a healthy brain

4.      Acai for immunity

5.      Seaweed for a healthy heart

6.      Probiotics for digestive and mental health

7.      Selenium for cancer prevention

8.      Zinc for male reproductive health and the common cold

9.      Alpha lipoic acid for anti-ageing

10.  Boron for bone strength and prostate health

I do not consider these supplements to be “new generation” at all, because apart from Acai and seaweed, I have been taking these supplements for many years.

(Instead of Acai, I take grape seed extract and top up occassionally with olive leaf extract. Since last year, I have started using salt that contains seaweed to keep my thryoid healthy.)

Many of us cannot afford to take all these ten supplements.

I suggest taking a good quality Multi-vitamin and Multi-mineral nutritional supplement which contain multiple vitamins and minerals that work together in synergy and which include CoQ10, selenium and zinc as above.

We can easily add to that healthy foundation as required.


Get your free eBook ‘Five Steps to Choosing Nutritional Supplements’.

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