Friday, May 27, 2011

The Myths of Heart Disease Exposed |

This eye opening presentation by Dr. David Diamond, Ph.D., of the University of South Florida College of Arts and Sciences titled: "How Bad Science and Big Business Created the Obesity Epidemic"  Dr Diamond was diagnosed with heart disease in 2005 – high cholesterol included.  Find out why he is still alive....

Helen says:  Each time I go to my GP, he measures my blood pressure and tells me that it is elevated.  Then he gives me the scare talk – how high BP is the silent killer and that I need to go on medication.

The last time this happened, my husband kindly brought his BP monitor home from work (he is a dentist) and we took my BP every day for 5 days.  It showed that my BP is normal and now it is confirmed that I have ‘white coat syndrome’ – my BP rises in the doctor’s office.  Is this what happens to you???  Do you want to avoid blood pressure medication?  Then read my blog post...Natural Therapy for Healthy Blood Pressure


Is It Time To Boycott The American Cancer Society?|

(Food Matters) The truth they do NOT want you to know - where the money really goes and who's getting wealthy from your donations. Plus their biggest 'prevention' strategy might actually promote cancer! Dr Mercola also discusses safe cancer detection and screening methods and reveals his top tips for preventing cancer naturally. Read more... Is It Time To Boycott The American Cancer Society?

Helen says: Just follow the is so sad that the almighty dollar is more valuable than providing education so that we can learn how to be responsible for our own health.

Last year I stopped getting mammograms and I wrote this blog post to provide strategies for you to consider for your own good health... Can Vitamin Supplements Prevent Cancer?


Thursday, May 26, 2011

What causes heart disease? |

What causes heart disease and can it be reversed?  In this video Dr. Oz and Dr. Dean Ornish discuss heart attacks and diet. I encourage you to take a moment and watch the video by clicking the link below. 

Helen says: I believe that a healthy diet is essential for a long, happy and healthy life.  I do suggest that supplementing with top quality nutritional supplements at optimum levels enhances a healthy diet.  

Get your free eBook 'Five steps tp choosing Nutritional Supplements' at Healthy Aging resources.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Dietary supplement use in the prevention of AMD progression |

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the leading cause of visual impairment and blindness in the developed world among people aged 65 years or older.  The Age-Related Eye Disease Study Group (AREDS) has found that high-dose vitamin supplementation may have a role in preventing the progression of Category 3 and 4 age-related maculopathy. Read more at... Healthy Aging Resources


Saturday, May 21, 2011

Health Benefits of Phytonutrients |

(NaturalNews) Phytonutrients, the chemicals that help plants defend against environmental challenges, such as damage from pests or ultraviolet light, appear to provide humans with protection as well. Mounting research shows their effectiveness in more at The health benefits of phytochemicals

Helen says: if you plan to take multi vitamins and minerals, ensure they contain phytonutrients and flavonoids.

These two essential nutrients complete optimum levels of vitamins and minerals. 

Not sure what supplements to take? Then, Learn more, get your free eBook “5 steps to Choosing Nutritional Supplements’


Friday, May 20, 2011

Eat These Foods to Live Longer |

Just when you thought you’d heard everything about the wonders of fiber (less constipation! lower LDL cholesterol! better blood sugar! easier weight loss!), a new one crops up. And this one’s a big deal: longer life. Read more here... Eat These Foods to Live Longer

Helen says:  To get fibre in my diet I add a fibre product to my smoothies.  It is quick and easy to do. Research news: Increasing fibre intake decreases weight and body fat among women

Learn more, get your free eBook “5 steps to Choosing Nutritional Supplements’


Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Root Cause of Cancer |

Cancer rates have increased over the last 40 years and have now surpassed heart disease.
In this article Dr Joseph Mercola discusses the root causes of cancer and shows us how we can best prevent it.  The Root Cause of Cancer Almost Universally Ignored by Doctors

Helen says: Cancer Prevention is easier than survival.  Learn what you can do to prevent cancer... Can Vitamin Supplements Prevent Cancer?


Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Reduce heart attack risk |

Increasing incidence of high blood pressure continues to be the most significant factor in death from a heart attack and advancing cardiovascular disease. Elevated blood pressure readings cause thickening of the coronary arteries as more Proper potassium balance essential to healthy blood pressure and reduced heart attack risk

Helen says: I take multi vitamins and minerals that contain an optimum amount of potassium to support healthy blood pressure. 

What else is required?  Find out here...  Healthy Aging – natural therapy for healthy blood pressure


lower blood pressure |

Adults aged 55 and older face a risk of developing elevated blood pressure greater than 90%, accounting for more than 40 million doctor visits each year and taxing an already overburdened healthcare system. Uncontrolled blood pressure slowly...continue reading..  Grape seed, resveratrol and pomegranate provide potent blood pressure lowering effect

Helen says:  I take a grape-seed extract supplement as well as Vitamin D to support healthy blood pressure.  Is there anything else we can do to lower high blood pressure?  Find out here...

Healthy Aging – natural therapy for healthy blood pressure


The hidden power of smiling |

Ron Gutman reviews a raft of studies about smiling, and reveals some surprising results. Did you know your smile can be a predictor of how long you'll live -- and that a simple smile has a measurable effect on your overall well-being? Prepare to flex a few facial muscles as you learn more about this evolutionarily contagious behaviour.  Watch more...

Helen says:  So smiling can help reduce high blood pressure and help us to live a long healthier and happier life?  There are heaps of other things that we can do too.  Find out more at Healthy Aging resources


Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Fit at Fifty and Beyond |

Many of us prepare for the financial aspects of our future retirement, but fail to prepare for the lifestyle changes we need in order to remain healthy and fit. Fitness is not just for the young, it is available at any age. Dr Michael Goth. A leading expert on ageing and nutrition, has written more Fit at Fifty and Beyond- Book Review

Helen says: for more strategies and information be sure to visit Healthy Aging Resources


Monday, May 9, 2011

Low vitamin D levels linked to more aggressive breast cancers |

(NaturalNews) Vitamin D has been in the news recently as more studies talk about the metabolic effects of the vitamin and why we need it. A new study has added to evidence for the need for vitamin D. In a study just published in the journal more Low vitamin D levels linked to more aggressive breast cancers

Helen says:  I take 4000iu of Vitamin D3 Daily.  Read more at my blog Vitamin D does more than just prevent the flu

Learn what other supplements may help to reduce chronic diseases – download my FREE eBook ‘Five Steps to Choosing Nutritional Supplements’ at Healthy Aging Resources.


Omega-3 fatty acids lower heart disease and dementia risk markers |

Natural News: Researchers publishing in the journal Nutrition show that Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish and natural foods including nuts and seeds can lower levels of dangerous homocysteine, an amino acid linked with increased risk of more Omega-3 fatty acids lower heart disease and dementia risk markers

Helen says:  Omega-3 is a supplement that benefits every cell in our body – from our brain, our skin and to the veins in our toes.

Learn what other supplements may help to reduce heart disease and dementia – download my FREE eBook ‘Five Steps to Choosing Nutritional Supplements’ at Healthy Aging Resources.


Saturday, May 7, 2011

Overcome arthritis naturally |

Arthritis is a loosely used term that encompasses over 100 different conditions.

It is a disease characterized by inflammation of the joints, surrounding tendons, ligaments and cartilage.

The disease causes swelling of the joints, more at Natural news: Overcome arthritis naturally

Helen says: Both my parents had arthritis – my father’s was in his feet and hands, my mother’s in her back.

My husband has arthritis in his knee – a result of a rugby injury and having cartilage removed.

Arthritis is both painful and debilitating. Read more at Arthritis relief and prevention


Thursday, May 5, 2011

Natural approach builds strong bones |

(NaturalNews) For countless years, natural health advocates, who suggested caution at the near hysterical and highly advertised push to put women on anti-osteoporosis prescription drugs, were looked at as unscientific health "nuts". But now... Scientists say forget osteoporosis drugs - Natural approach builds strong bones safely

Helen says: For further advice on building strong healthy bones you may wish to read my blog post Prevention and care for Osteoporosis at Healthy Aging Resources


Sunday, May 1, 2011

Natural therapy for healthy blood pressure |

Recently I have had a few queries regarding Natural therapy for healthy blood pressure

My mother suffered from high blood pressure (hypertension) for many years and then died of a massive heart attack at the age of 71.

The blood pressure medication she was on did nothing to prevent heart disease, nor did it cure it.

High blood pressure can result in a heart attack or stroke, and is called the ‘silent killer’ because there are no symptoms.

So what can we do? Read more: Natural therapy for healthy blood pressure
