Sunday, September 16, 2012

How to reduce Inflammation of your arteries

What will motivate you to combine a healthy diet, modest exercise, and nutritional supplementation, taking time to de-stress, get more sleep, so that you can experience the following health benefits?


  1. Improve Insulin Sensititivity
  2. Decrease Oxidized LDL Cholesterol
  3. Lower High Blood Pressure
  4. Improve Cholesterol Levels
  5. Decrease Risk of Diabetes
  6. Lower Homocysteine Levels
  7. Establish a Healthy Weight


Healthy lifestyles and becoming proactive in protecting your health is your best option to decrease your risk of heart disease or even reverse hardening of your arteries.

For my husband, the wake-up call was the sudden death of his much loved cousin.  Read his story here: What does it take to release weight?


Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Do we need to take nutritional supplements?

In this article Supplement Wisely Chris Kresser talks about taking supplements wisely.

At the end of the year 2000, I was fortunate to be introduced to a company called Usana Health Sciences – a company that manufactures nutritional supplements.  The founder, Dr Myron Wentz has ensured that the supplements that Usana makes are synergistic and provide our bodies with what they need and in the right amounts.  This takes the guesswork out of choosing the right supplements. 

For instance, like me, you might have an orange tree in your garden, and eat them when they are in season – but we don’t know how much Vitamin C is in each orange and the amounts would vary anyway.  Taking advanced quality supplements provides the exact nutrients in non-variable amounts. We can still enjoy eating oranges (and in fact, it is  important for our health to eat fresh wholesome food), but we don’t have to worry about are we getting enough vitamin C for what our cells might need for healthy cell production right at this very moment.

Many people treat vitamins and minerals like medicine from the doctor, that is, only take them when they feel they need them.  I say, that we don’t really know what our cells require at any given moment, so for me, prevention is my focus.  I like to think that all the nutrients that are required for healthy cell production are available to my body’s cells every moment of every day.  And that is why I take advanced quality supplements from Usana Health Sciences.

I trust Usana Health Sciences to provide me with the right nutrition for my true health.


Brought to you by Helen Wenley Healthy Aging Resources

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Latest attack on calcium fails to link mineral to heart attacks

(NaturalNews) A new scare study intended to deter people from taking calcium supplements only further reinforces the fact that calcium is actually safe, at least when taken with cofactor nutrients that aid in its proper absorption. The poorly-designed... Read more: Latest attack on calcium fails to link mineral to heart attacks

The article above makes it very clear the importance of taking co-factors along with calcium (unlike this study: Calcium may increase risk of heart attack)

The co-factors help to synergize the calcium so that it can be used effectively by our body’s cells.

Not all of us are scientists, but it is helpful to educate ourselves as to how our body uses nutrients.

An old but easy to understand book, is by Dr Michael Colgan called ‘The New Nutrition’ which helped me to begin my journey of understanding the importance of nutritional supplements (and it is still available at


Brought to you by Helen Wenley @ Healthy Aging Resources

Friday, April 27, 2012

Have you had your Vitamin D today?

High vitamin D level essential to prevent chronic inflammatory diseases

(NaturalNews) The connection between cellular saturation of the prohormone vitamin D and development of chronic conditions ranging from cancer, dementia, stroke and heart disease have been well documented among forward-thinking scientists for at least...


Brought to you by Helen Wenley @ Healthy Aging Resources

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Are nutritional supplements safe???

Doctors Say Vitamins are Safe and Effective

The news and media proclaim that taking vitamin supplements is of no value and, somehow, actually dangerous.

You have heard an earful from reporters. Now let's hear from doctors.

And the good news is, there are many more doctors than the above realising that supplements are vital to our good health. 

As consumers we need to educate ourselves so that we understand what our bodies cells require.

I recommend  to get learning. 

I have been taking advanced quality supplements for over 11 years and I plan to continue doing so because my health is so much better for doing it.

Brought to you by Helen Wenley (Healthy Aging Resources)

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Fish oils reduce disease burden in a cost effective manner

Approximately 310000 Australians suffer from chronic heart disease and is the second largest disease burden to Australian economy.  The total direct healthcare cost attributed to cardiovascular disease is AUD$5.9 billion each year in Australia.  A latest health economic analysis by Deloitte Access Economics showed that fish oil supplementation is a cost-effective intervention to prevent future cardiovascular mortality and morbidity in Australia.

Fish oil supplements offer a number of advantages through lowering potential risk profiles. The World Health Organization (WHO), American Heart Association, National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC), and the National Heart Foundation of Australia recommend fish oil as a complementary treatment in addition to standard treatments following a MI.

Epidemiological studies have shown that the consumption of fatty fish is associated with lower incidence rates of coronary heart disease (CHD), stroke and MI.  The Complementary Healthcare Council of Australia (CHC) recently commissioned Deloitte Access Economics to undertake cost benefit analysis (CBA) of fish oils and estimate the net benefit of fish oils as adjunctive treatment for prevention of heart disease among those who have experienced MI, versus no fish oils, taking into account the cost per person of the treatment and the DALYs (Disability-Adjusted Life Years) avoided. DALY is a measure of overall disease burden adopted by WHO.

The analysis by Deloitte Access Economics is based on fish oil supplementation with dosage of 510-540mg EPA/day and 345-360mg DHA/day.  The result showed an ICER (incremental cost-effectiveness ratio) of $2,041 per DALY averted, indicating that fish oils are cost effective in the secondary prevention of CHD relative to the WHO benchmark.  The maximum value of the DALY benefits from the fish oil intervention was estimated at up to $3.4 billion.

This latest report offers further evidence that fish oil supplementation not only is effective in the reduction of incidence rates for cardiovascular disease, but also offers a genuine opportunity to reduce disease burden in a cost effective manner.

CHC Report on Fish oils for the secondary prevention of Coronary Heart Disease, 17 Feb 2012


Brought to you by Healthy Aging Resources

Monday, March 19, 2012

Do you have a loved one or someone you know who has cancer?

Do you have a loved one or someone you know who has cancer?

Are you a health practitioner who deals with cancer patients?

Do you play a support role with someone with cancer have a strong family history of the disease and want to avoid it?

Are you interested in finding out more about options you won’t see or hear in the mainstream media?

If you fit any of these categories or know someone who this applies to please read on (or pass this on) as it could change lives forever for the better!



Brought to you by Healthy Aging Resources

Monday, March 5, 2012

The 10 new generation vitamins and supplements |

Recently “Mindfood” magazine published a list of the 10 new generation vitamins and supplements you should have on your radar.

The supplements on the list are:

1.    Turmeric for autoimmune conditions

2.       CoQ10 for energy

3.       Fish oil for a healthy brain

4.      Acai for immunity

5.      Seaweed for a healthy heart

6.      Probiotics for digestive and mental health

7.      Selenium for cancer prevention

8.      Zinc for male reproductive health and the common cold

9.      Alpha lipoic acid for anti-ageing

10.  Boron for bone strength and prostate health

I do not consider these supplements to be “new generation” at all, because apart from Acai and seaweed, I have been taking these supplements for many years.

(Instead of Acai, I take grape seed extract and top up occassionally with olive leaf extract. Since last year, I have started using salt that contains seaweed to keep my thryoid healthy.)

Many of us cannot afford to take all these ten supplements.

I suggest taking a good quality Multi-vitamin and Multi-mineral nutritional supplement which contain multiple vitamins and minerals that work together in synergy and which include CoQ10, selenium and zinc as above.

We can easily add to that healthy foundation as required.


Get your free eBook ‘Five Steps to Choosing Nutritional Supplements’.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

How well are you seeing? What to do for eye health |

Just as you care for your body health, your fitness and your emotional health, spare a

thought for the windows to your soul – your eyes!

More and more research is showing that diet and lifestyle factors plus regular health

checks can help to maintain precious eye health. Here are some facts to help you

focus on good eye health: keep your eyes healthy


Brought to you by Healthy Aging Resources

Friday, January 27, 2012

What we eat is good to put on our skin?

All Natural, Organic and Food in Products

For most cosmetics companies All Natural means mainly just plant extracts in their formulations. The ingredient list may include a range of extracts with a long list of plant names following. Even if an all-organic or all-natural product did exist, you wouldn't want to use it on your skin.

So-called, all natural ingredients can themselves cause allergies, irritation, and skin sensitivities. Just think of how many people suffer hay fever, hives, and you begin to realize just how unfriendly certain natural ingredients may sometimes be.

The notion that all natural equals good skin care or better makeup will waste your money and probably harm your skin. The majority of women who buy these skin care products or cosmetics are probably never going to be able to believe this. The pressure to believe the untruth about all natural products being better for the skin is hard to resist. Women really want to believe the hype because they feel they are better, safe and going green is the new trend.

What makes this natural craze so annoying and undesirable is that it perpetuates myths that can hurt a woman's skin. The label might say organic and natural but you could be buying a purely irritating product that might cause an allergic reaction. All natural ingredients are one of the most bogus, misleading components of the cosmetics industry. They focus attention on the wrong information.

I am not saying there aren't some natural-sounding ingredients that are good for the skin, because there are. Natural or nature identical ingredients that are vitamins or antioxidants are safe, but would not have any fragrance that would harm skin. Completely different from what is promoted/used in many all natural and organic lines.

1. Food-type ingredients in products increase the need for additional preservatives to decrease mold and bacterial contamination. Many natural lines do not have preserving ingredients strong enough to cope with the amount of bacteria of food or contamination from consumers. Some natural ingredients used for preserving have some preserving ability but can be highly fragrant and irritating.
2. Food can also feed the bacteria present in skin, increasing the risk of getting breakouts. Mashing up raw foods to spread on your skin is not the way you get antioxidants into the skin or give you great looking skin. What you can get though, is contamination problems.
3. Plant oil extracts are no longer pure plants once processed.
4. Yeast or bacteria cultures in cosmetics can exacerbate conditions like Rosacea and psoriasis.

Sensé products are not what are considered as "all-natural" or "organic". Sensé is the balance of revolutionary science and nature through cellular nutrition for skin. All the Sensé products have been extensively tested under dermatologist and ophthalmologist supervised conditions. Also, all products and ingredients are reviewed and analyzed by board certified toxicologists for cytology and toxicology. Sensé ingredients all comply with safety standards set by governmental regulations. USANA is confident with their advanced Self-preserving-(chemical free) technology and ingredients, Sensé products are of the highest degree for customer satisfaction. Without compromising safety, performance or quality of the products.
Bea Kinnear
Your Skin & You, 5th Edition


Wednesday, January 25, 2012

No benefits from taking multivitamins? |

Recently two studies were conducted comparing people taking multivitamins with placebos.

The studies concluded that there were no benefits to people taking supplements.

So what type of nutritional supplements were being used in the studies?

Dr Ray Strand advocates cellular nutrition in his medical practice using advanced quality nutritional supplements at optimal levels (as opposed to RDA levels).

Read Dr Strand’s latest newsletter to find out why he was not surprised by the conclusions of the researchers from these studies.

Download the newsletter here

Brought to you by Healthy Aging Resources