Sunday, September 16, 2012

How to reduce Inflammation of your arteries

What will motivate you to combine a healthy diet, modest exercise, and nutritional supplementation, taking time to de-stress, get more sleep, so that you can experience the following health benefits?


  1. Improve Insulin Sensititivity
  2. Decrease Oxidized LDL Cholesterol
  3. Lower High Blood Pressure
  4. Improve Cholesterol Levels
  5. Decrease Risk of Diabetes
  6. Lower Homocysteine Levels
  7. Establish a Healthy Weight


Healthy lifestyles and becoming proactive in protecting your health is your best option to decrease your risk of heart disease or even reverse hardening of your arteries.

For my husband, the wake-up call was the sudden death of his much loved cousin.  Read his story here: What does it take to release weight?
